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成都秋雨之福教会聚会 (图:秋雨之福脸书) |
本教会决定, 为着福音和良心的缘故,我们将针对5.12教案,采取一系列检举、举报、控告和直接提起行政诉讼和刑事自诉等法律手段,也陆续发布相关法律行动的简讯。来向社会、政府和一切有着上帝形象和尊贵的人类,公开指出这迫害教会、侵犯和剥夺公民宗教信仰自由的罪恶,不但是违背法治的,更加是上帝所憎恶的。也藉此向涉案的成都市数千公务人员及全社会提出对这一邪恶罪行的、来自上帝和圣经的警告。因为经上宣告说,“现在你们君王应当省悟。你们世上的审判官该受管教”(诗2:10)。悔改吧,因为人的灵魂如此宝贵,也因为上帝用自己的独生爱子、基督耶稣的宝血,为一切愿意向祂悔改的人,提供了白白赦免的恩典和永生的救赎。
Early Rain Covenant Church’s Announcement about the May 12 Christianity Case Happening in Chengdu
Saturday, May 12, 2018, is the tenth anniversary of SiChuan Earthquake. Chengdu government sent hundreds of policemen and civil servants to crack down on the morning prayer meeting and special service scheduled for that day but also illegally violate citizens’ right of religious freedom, such as detaining Christians, breaking into the church without consent, confiscating Bibles and other Christianity books and materials, and beating detained Christians etc.
Lead Pastor Wang Yi and Minister Li Yingqiang were summoned on Friday evening and taken into custody for 24 hours. It is estimated that more than 228 Christians including children, babies, and seniors were taken away by police and detained although they did not commit any crimes. In addition, 33 Christians were placed under house arrest by police and neighborhood officers. Other than these Christians attending Early Rain Covenant Church, 19 Christians from other churches were either taken away or put under house arrest. With this said, over 262 people (including several catechumen) were detained and placed under house arrest by police.
This may be the most notorious event of detaining citizens and limiting their freedom that occurred in Chengdu recently.
First, it is outrageous illegal to ban a service which will be held in a church and is unlikely to disturb public order and obstruct the administration of public security.
Second, government’s illegal behavior of detaining and limiting freedom took place before the service happened in the church. That is, those Christians were detained or placed under house arrest before they entered the church or attended the service.
Third, government did not notify any one of the church ministers about the administrative punishment, religion bureau’s administrative decision about banning unlawful religious events, groups and premises, or the administrative decision by police and other departments involved in the event before the illegal detention and confiscation targeting at the church happened.
We think that our church and Christians have been persecuted blatantly. This so called “joint law enforcement” is not based on any laws. The decision makers and supervisors of the event have violated Crimial Law of the People’s Republic of China, No. 251 Item 1, illegally depriving citizens of freedom of religion. Put in other words, officials and civil servants should be sentenced to 2 years in prison or criminal detention if they commit the crime.
We think that Chengdu May 12 case has a bad, wide-spread and sever effect because of government’s approaches and the large number of people involved. Furthermore, officials and policemen broke laws as they carried out their plan and a few Christians were insulted and beaten by policemen.
This illegal behavior of limiting citizens’ freedom and violating their freedom of religion has been continuing shamelessly since May 12. On Sunday, May 13th over 20 Christians were placed under house arrest or detained in police station because of their attempt of attending church. This week over 10 Christians working for schools, government or state-owned units have been investigated, threatened not to worship at church by employers and neighborhoods, and even required to resign by employers.
For the sake of the gospel and conscience, our church has determined that we will resort to legal approaches including reporting, accusing, and suing. In the meantime, we will send the newsletters to keep people updated. The purpose is two fold: a) to let society, government and all humans in the image of God know that persecution on church and deprivation of citizens’ freedom of religion are not only illegal but also abhorred by God; b) to warn hundreds of officers involved in the event and society that “Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth” (Psalm 2:10). Repent because humans’ soul is very precious and Jesus Christ, God’s beloved son, has provided the free redeeming grace and eternal salvation to all who are willing to confess and repent.
Church’s mission and obligation is to proclaim the good news in all peaceful ways, including legal approaches. Jesus and Paul defended themselves by referring to Roman laws while being harassed and judged. Meanwhile, we do not hate the officers, policemen, decision makers and supervisors involved in the event. Rather, we hope that some of them will confess, repent and follow the Lord, which is much stronger than the hope that they will be punished. Our church is willing to conduct peaceful dialogues about our faith with government at any time. Our church is willing to give up the legal resort for the sake of gospel and in the hope of harmony. However, we will never compromise our conscience and faith by leaning on the cross when confronting the anti-church authorities and being repressed more severely.
It is not guilty to have a faith and the gospel is priceless. The primary goal of Christians is to be the witness of the holy Savior and the glory of the gospel to angels and the world, which a church is rooted in. “For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.” (Romans 11:36).
Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu
May 15, 2018 A.D.
(Note: English version is translated by ChinaAid)