对华援助协会 2013年04月16日
傅牧师: 昨天晚上十点,中国时间十四日下午一点,我们和刚刚离开浙江省第四监狱的嫂子姜杭莉通了话。据刚在早上探望了朱虞夫的嫂子告诉我,哥在我们海外呼吁后,受到了监狱方面更加残酷的虐待,不但加重了肉体上面的刑罚,还再次取消了营养餐以及和家人每月一次的通电话的权利。据嫂子描述,哥哥的头部已经肿得变形,哥哥还明确暗示,这段我们在海外呼吁的时间,被监狱加重虐待。他的原话是: 这段时间他们对我很差很差,我已经法再承受了。下个月你可能看不到我了,如果看不到,你不要伤心,一定是我出了状况。嫂子告诉我,哥哥非常悲观,当嫂子告诉他美国国会和国务院都已经开始采取营救他的行动时,哥哥显得非常谨慎,赶忙让嫂子不要再说。傅牧师,家人现在心急如焚,六神无主,恳请傅牧师看在上帝的份上,再给美国政府的相关部门打电话,帮助我们请求美国政府尽快出手营救,否则,我哥哥必然会在更加残忍的酷刑下死亡!谢谢傅牧师。
1、 本请求书并非出于政治意图,其内容事项符合《联合国人权宣言》和其它一些有关人权法的章程。
2、 本请求书列举了事实性的描述,包括侵权行为和被侵犯的权利。
3、 本请求书的语言合适,并非滥用。
4、 这是由坚守信仰和人权原则的非政府组织提交的,不是出于政治意图采用与《联合国宪章》内容相违背的标准,并且是基于明确和可靠的该违法事件的案情信息。
5、 事件的情况报道并非独家来源,而是有大众媒体的普遍报道。
6、 这起案例的违法性质是严重的、事实清楚可靠,并且尚未按照程序提交联合国或相关机构、或者地区的人权机构,进行处理。
7、 国内的方案和努力没有任何效果。
通讯:PO Box 21744
Columbia, SC 29221-1744
电话: 1-803-798-3440
Ladies and Gentlemen:
As legal counsel to China Aid Association, a non-profit NGO I bring to your attention a most egregious situation that needs immediate action and urgent intervention.
Zhu Yufu, who is being detained in Prison No. 4, ZheJiang Province in mainland China, is quite obviously being tortured and otherwise subjected to inhumane treatment under international law and specifically in violation of the mandates of this austere body. Below is a communication just received by Pastor Bob Fu from Mr. Zhu's relatives which details his treatment and his extreme despair. ChinaAid respectfully calls for an immediate communication with the Chinese government about this matter and a complete investigation and report:
"Dear Pastor Fu,
Last night, April 14th at 1 pm Beijing time, we had a phone call with our sister in law Jiang Hangli who just visited our brother Zhu Yufu in No. 4 Prison of ZheJiang Province. She told us that the prison has treated him more cruel than before after we made an advocacy overseas. Not only did they torture his body but also cancelled his nutrition meal and once a month phone call communication between Zhu Yufu and our family members. According to the account of our sister in law, our brother Zhu Yufu's head was seen deformed because of swell up. He made our sister in law understand that they abused and tortured him because our advocacy for him in USA. He also was very pessimistic. When our sister in law told him the US Congress and US government are working to rescue him, he looked very cautious and stopped her. This is what he said to his wife: 'I had been treated very very bad recently. I could not bear any more. You may not be able to see me again next month. If you can not see me, don't be too sad. Something terrible must have happened to me.'
Please do something to help, or else he may die soon in the prison. "
Please acknowledge receipt
With respect to this complaint and communication, I hereby certify that:
· It is not manifestly politically motivated and its object is consistent with the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other applicable instruments in the field of human rights law;
· It gives a factual description of the alleged violations, including the rights which are alleged to be violated;
· Its language is not abusive.
· It is submitted by a non‑governmental organization acting in good faith in accordance with the principles of human rights, not resorting to politically motivated stands contrary to the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations it is based on direct and reliable knowledge of the violations concerned.
· It is not exclusively based on reports disseminated by mass media;
· It does not refer to a case that appears to reveal a consistent pattern of gross and reliably attested violations of human rights already being dealt with by a special procedure, a treaty body or other United Nations or similar regional complaints procedure in the field of human rights;
· Domestic remedies have been exhausted.
Respectfully Submitted,
David E. Taylor
Legal Counsel, China Aid Assn.
PO Box 21744
Columbia, SC USA 29221-1744
Tel: 1-803-798-3440
Fax: 1-803-731-8326
联系人:傅希秋 马可
手机: 267-205-5210
电邮: info@ChinaAid.org
电话: 323-521-6777