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左至右:傅希秋、王炳武、费奥娜·布鲁斯(FionaBruce) 李静瑜、罗杰斯(Benedict Rogers)杨宏宪 (图:对华援助协会,2018年4月18日) |
加拿大王炳武博士则陈述其哥王炳章博士被中共政府诱捕绑架的案例,寻求英国议会的外交援助。人权委员会主席、保守党议员布鲁斯 (Fiona Bruce)向王炳武表示,将重提2004年的第Early Day Motions(1880号)议案,共有41名议员联署,要求中国释放王炳章到海外就医。
对华援助协会欧洲代表团一行人,19日至20日,将拜会德国国会,接见议员Axel Fischer(世界自由民主联盟德国分会主席),拜会德国人权委员会前主席Michael Brand,并在德国台湾文化处举行李明哲国际救援小组说明会。20日将到德国外交部,与人权专使、德国记者、德国律师协会主席Rauu Schellenberg,以及与台湾驻德代表处访问等系列活动。
中國和平崛起成為亞太地區的霸權,應該要受到尊重。但是,如果中國利用其強大的軍事和經濟實力來實現中國民族主義和擴張主義的夢想,中國不僅將成為對亞太地區乃至全世界的威脅。 不幸的是,中國已經表現出實現這一夢想的意圖。近年來中國通過制定「反分裂法」幻想藉此宣示中華人民共和國成立迄今從未管轄過的中華民國台灣的領土主權,並使其居民成為其專制統治制度下的子民。此外,中國還制定「境外NGO管理辦法」意圖將全球化的世界公民也納入其統治之中,服從其思想模式和規範。這是中國意圖輸出其反人權和反自由的信仰的陽謀。我的先生李明哲就是在中國這種擴張主義作為下的受害者之一。當然中華人民共和國崛起所產生的壓力不僅僅如此,但那些不是我的能力所可以表達的。
Honorable Chairwoman Bruce, members of the Conservative Party’s Human Rights Commission, ladies and gentlemen,
Good Afternoon.
I am deeply honored to have been invited to speak at this hearing. Today, I do not wish to only call for help as the wife of an incarcerated prisoner of conscience. As I urge the U.K. government to pay attention to the PRC’s political persecution of human rights workers, I would also like to beseech that the U.K. government give notice to the possible influences and pressure that have formed as China arises as a new world power.
The PRC has risen peacefully as the dominant power in the Asia-Pacific region, which deserves respect. However, if it endeavors to use its formidable military and economic strength to realize a dream of Chinese nationalism and expansionism, the PRC will not only become a threat to the Asia-Pacific region but the whole world as well. Unfortunately, China has demonstrated its intention of actualizing such dream. Recently, it has passed an Anti-Secession law, under the delusion that it would give grounds for its unjustified claim to possess a piece of land that it never had—The Republic of China, Taiwan—and subject the people of that island to its dictatorship. Furthermore, it has also passed an Overseas NGO management method, aiming to extend its power to rule over people of the globalized world, forcing them to conform to China’s mode of thinking and doing. It is clear that the PRC intends to export its anti-human-rights and anti-liberty beliefs. My husband is one of the victims under this Chinese expansionism. Of course, the pressure created by the rise of the PRC does not end here, but other issues are beyond my capabilities to discuss.
As an old Mandarin saying goes, “Big Oaks From Little Acorns Grow,” at this time when China presents the lucrative “One Belt One Road Initiative,” we must remind it to not use this initiative as a means to export its anti-human-rights and anti-liberty structure, and, subsequently, place the involved area and people under its expanding dictatorship.
Today, I am here not to talk about my own sorrow and difficulty, nor am I here to plea the U.K. government to rescue my husband out of imprisonment. I am here today to implore the U.K. Parliament to, again, light the fire of humanitarianism, and ask the people of the globalized world to stop the PRC’s expansionism and exportation of its anti-human-rights and anti-liberty mentality. I believe this to be the humble wish of the people, including my husband and I, who are subject to the harms accompanying the heightening of China’s power and influence.
Even though the United Kingdom is no longer "the empire on which the sun never sets,” the greatness of a nation is not to be measured by its population, military strength, or economic power, but to be measured by the brightness of its light in leading the elevation of human civilization.
In conclusion, I implore the U.K. Parliament to light the light of humanitarianism once again. This is a humble request from a distant island country on Asia-Pacific to you.
李凈瑜 授權
施笳 英文撰寫
陳嘉君 中文翻譯