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李爱杰与儿子李目田在传统基金会向与会者介绍中国人权状况 (RFA马立克摄,2018年4月13日) |
李爱杰认为华府行,初见成效,李爱杰说︰「像天意似的, 就是见川普政府的这些高级官员,他们为我们做出这些关注和支持。我觉得是因为这些关注和支持,我们才得到这次会面(张海涛)的机会。」
李爱杰周三(11日)在对华援助协会主席傅希秋牧师、及董事会主席罗伯逊博士的陪同下,在白宫会见了美国国家安全委员会中国、台湾及蒙古事务主任Ivan Kanapathy,寻求美方外交协助。
大家好!我叫李爱杰,我的丈夫叫张海涛,他仅仅因为在网上发表了69条微信、205条推文,对中国共产党提出了一些批评意见,就被新疆当局以“煽动颠覆国家政权罪”判处有期徒刑15年,以及拍摄了新疆乌鲁木齐街头看到的警力巡控情况的照片13张,配以文字说明,还有通过公开渠道了解到的新疆维稳情况,在接受采访时提供给了境外媒体,就被以“为境外刺探、非法提供情报罪”判处有期徒刑5年,两罪合并判处有期徒刑19年,并没收个人财产人民币12万元。张海涛 现在关押在新疆沙雅监狱,这个监狱地处偏远,位于塔卡拉马干沙漠腹地,非常荒凉,著名维权律师高志晟先生曾关押在此。
Ladies and Gentlemen,
My name is Aijie Li. Haitao Zhang is my husband and was held in custody because of the 69 posts he posted on WeChat, a Chinese social media, and 205 posts on Twitter. He was sentenced to 19 years for two alleged crimes. One is inciting subversion of state power due to his criticism of Chinese Communism Party, 15 years; the other is spying and illegally providing state intelligence to entities outside of China because of 13 pictures with captions he took about the police patrol in Ürümqi, Xinjiang Province and sharing with foreign media the information regarding stability maintenance he collected publicly, 5 years. Additionally, his personal possession, 120,000 (approximately US$2,000), was confiscated. At present Zhang is detained in Shaya prison, Xinjiang, located in Taklamakan Desert, remote and isolated. Gao Zhisheng, the well-known human rights lawyer, had been detained there before.
On June 26, 2015 Zhang was arrested when he was visiting customers. Seven plainclothes policemen searched our home in Ürümqi without warrant and confiscated all bank cards, cell phones and computers, only 800 yuan (approximately US$130) left. I was three month pregnant and was forcibly taken to Zhongya Nan Lu police station for interrogation although I was starving and feeling nauseous. I was not released until 1 am. Later on policemen searched our home again without warrant and did not give us the inventory of confiscated items before leaving.
On January 11, 2016 the court of first instance was opened and I saw Haitao for the first time after his arrest. Haitao smiled and waved at us with handcuffs on. He looked thinner than before but looked good physically and mentally. We were not allowed to speak to each other despite being present in the same room. The trial process looked formal and filled with heated debates. On January 18 I picked up the verdict of first instance, shocked, outraged, and desperate. I cried, plopping the verdict on the table, “Didn’t he just post a few lines online? Does he deserve the heavy sentence? Are you conscientious? What about my son and me? How blatantly shameless you all are!” People in the court astonishingly stared at me. Wang Chao, a judge, walked me to the door, saying, “You can appeal. You can appeal.” The conviction of Zhang Haitao dramatically changed from inciting ethnic hatred and discrimination to picking quarrels and provoking troubles, and ended up spying and illegally providing state intelligence to entities outside of China. What a roller coaster! Later we appealed and the second instance was postponed three times. On November 28, 2016 the court session was opened in Xinjiang Supreme Court with a few dozens of bailiffs standing outside. The session was short, just 30 min, during which neither Liu Zhengqing, the lawyer, nor Zhang Haitao got the opportunity to speak. Finally, Feng Xiangmin, the judge, declared, “Reject the appeal; affirm the original verdict.”
Afterwards I took my son to my hometown in Henan province and stayed at the place of Haitao’s older sister. It took us a long time to find out which prison Haitao was in because detention center and court kicked the ball back and forth and were reluctant to release any information. I even asked netizen to help me locate where my husband was and finally received the notice that Haitao was sent to Shaya prison, Xinjiang on December 2, 2016. It is never easy to visit him, however. Shaya prison prohibited the family from visiting him with various reasons and excuses. Up to date, I just saw Zhang Haitao twice since he was in jail. Without the help of international mass media wouldn’t this happen. Each visit takes about half a month because of the distance between Henan province and Xinjiang province. Other than toil and weariness the cost each time was high. Thanks to loving friends’ financial support we were able to see him. I requested many times based on the law that Zhang Haitao should be transferred to the prison where he got registered, but it was rejected.
I did not speak up and safeguard my husband’s right until the verdict of first instance was available. Initially I was silent in the hope that it would be good to Zhang Haitao if I did not spread the affair. Unfortunately, it did not go as I expected. It was hard for me, a pregnant woman, to live alone in Xinjiang. Officers working for the neighborhood and policemen often stopped by my place and even checked my diaries. Apparently their real purpose was not to check on me although they encouraged me to let them know my needs. When I had a toughest time, they just gave me ten eggs. Officers of the neighborhood, policemen and officers from Domestic Security Protection Bureau coerced and threatened me to go back to Henan province. 20 days before the due date, Dean Dai of the neighborhood with a few people asked me to take a c section several times. On the fifth day of the child’s birth I was released from hospital. The moment I got home local policemen came by with guns, asking for my house deed. They put me under surveillance and monitored my cell phone. Chen Jinxue, lawyer, informed me of the torture and maltreatment Zhang Haitao went through in jail. During the interview conducted by VOA they knocked my door relentlessly and menaced me. The phone call was disrupted so that the interview could not continue. Zhang Haitao had a severe stomachache, so I went to the detention center asking for the report, but Prosecutor Cao took my phone and deleted all photos. After visiting him twice, I publicized the unlawful things occurring in prison. For instance, he was not allowed to meet with lawyers, forced to study, prohibited from reading Bible and speaking religious language, and even the pictures of my son were forbidden to bring in. When I visited him for the second time, Zhang Haitao was in solitary confinement, had no access to TV and not even let out, and his appeal should be approved by the prison. I continue speaking up online and safeguarding my husband’s right. Consequently policemen intimidated me while I got back home from the second visit. Regardless of the advice from my family and threats I still fight for my husband with my son. When I returned home on October 9, 2017, however, my brothers and sister forced me to divorce Zhang Haitao and marry another man because of the threats and pressure. I firmly said no to their suggestion, and then my big brother and sister beat me violently. Policemen came to our place twice that day and I knew that my beloved brothers and sister would be in trouble if they did not hit me.
I am grateful to God that the news about the domestic violence on me and my son drew a lot of attention, at home and abroad. Pastor Fu Xiqiu helped us out. With assistance of Pastor Fu, ChinaAid, President Trump, his administration and numerous anonymous friends, my son and I fled to the United States, where constitution, freedom and democracy are observed. I would like to say thank you to you all.
After my second visit on Haitao on July 27, 2017, Shaya prison has endeavored to stop us from visiting him. Haitao’s older sister called Shaya prison many times since I came to US, but nobody answered the phone or she was told to visit him on the third day. Nevertheless, it is impossible for my family to arrive there within three days. Haitao looked good physically and mentally when I visited him. He even told me, “I will never give up.” The last mail we received from Zhang Haitao dated back to August 8, 2017. The letters we wrote to him were returned to us, and the alleged reasons were either Zhang Haitao rejected it or received not found. Given these facts, we are very concerned about Zhang Haitao’s situation in prison, particularly we have not been allowed to visit him for 8 months.
2010年因为个张海涛个人的一次司法侵权,被以“诈骗罪” 关押一个月后,无罪无任何说法释放。张海涛开始关注中国的社会和民生,他提出了对中国政府的批评意见,为弱势群体维权、发声呐喊,尽管遭受了多少刑讯逼供、酷刑虐待,以及面临19年的炼狱之苦,但他始终不认罪,一如既往坚持自己的信念:为民主、自由、人权抗争,正如他信中所说:“这些年来,为民主、自由、人权呐喊和工作、家庭一样,都是我生活中不可缺少的重要内容。张海涛只是行使了宪法赋予一个公民的言论自由权,他何罪之有?我和他第三次见面,是在判刑入狱前,我们在看守所短短20分钟的会面,我们隔着玻璃,两手相印,海涛深情地对我说:”老婆,等我出来后,我们仍过普通人的生活。“我禁不住心酸泪流,一个人对生命的渴望,对幸福生活的追求,已成奢望。我们的儿子小曼德拉从未见过爸爸,一岁多时,便会对着爸爸的照片亲个不停,看到别的孩子依偎在爸爸的怀抱喊爸爸,他也会投入这个叔叔的怀抱,喊爸爸,尽管不是自己的爸爸。有一次,小曼德拉站在门口,突然对着外面大声呼喊:“爸爸在哪里?”,令我心碎泪流。
In 2010 Zhang Haitao was detained for a month over fraud because of his tort and then acquitted of charge. Zhang Haitao started being concerned about Chinese society and people’s livelihood since then. He criticized Chinese government, safeguarded the rights of the weak and spoke up. Although he was tortured, maltreated and sentenced to 19 years, he will never confess the crimes. Rather, he will hold his belief dear: fight for democracy, freedom, and human rights, as he said in his letter, “It is indispensable for me to fight for democracy, freedom and human right, which to me is as important as family and job.” Zhang Haitao just practiced the right of speech freedom granted by Constitution and does not deserve the sentence. I visited him for the third time before he was put in jail. In the 20 min meeting at the detention center, Haitao said to me with deep feeling while our hands were on the window separating us, “Honey, we will live like the average people when I am released.” I can’t help bursting into tears since the desire for life and pursuit of happiness become an unreachable goal. Little Mandela, our son, has never seen his dad. When he was one year old, he often kissed his dad’s photo. Seeing other kids snuggling their dad, he would cuddle that uncle and call him dad in spite of the fact that that man is not his dad. Once little Mandela shouted at the door, “Where is dad?”, which is heartbroken to me.
The case as such is numerous in China. Currently the case of Wang Quanzhang catches many people’s eye. The human rights lawyer has vanished for 1000 days. Lawyers are not allowed to see him and he has not been sentenced, on trial, or released. Mr. Gao Zhisheng disappearing for 8 months recently, and Mr. Huang Xiaomin I know in person safeguarding people’s rights and speaking out for Zhang Haitao and other prisoners of conscience, have been arrested without any reasons. The list is not exhaustive…
I call international attention to the human rights in China and Zhang Haitao, my husband, urging Chinese government to release Zhang Haitao and all prisoners of conscience.
I will make every effort to help my husband. I will commission a lawyer, submitting a series of lawful requests including visiting him, transferring him to Henan prison, appealing, accessing TV, letting out, and sending and receiving mail, although I know that ruling the country by law is not implemented well in China. We will gain our right only when we fight ceaselessly. Meanwhile, it is the collective effort that can realize the goal, so I hope international society, American congress and Trump administration will support us and help Zhang Haitao be freed and reunited with family.
Thank you!
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(左至右)Olivia Enos、李爱杰、傅希秋牧师、罗伯逊博士传统基金会 (图:美国之音萧雨摄) |
大家好!我叫李爱杰,我的丈夫叫张海涛,他仅仅因为在网上发表了69条微信、205条推文,对中国共产党提出了一些批评意见,就被新疆当局以“煽动颠覆国家政权罪”判处有期徒刑15年,以及拍摄了新疆乌鲁木齐街头看到的警力巡控情况的照片13张,配以文字说明,还有通过公开渠道了解到的新疆维稳情况,在接受采访时提供给了境外媒体,就被以“为境外刺探、非法提供情报罪”判处有期徒刑5年,两罪合并判处有期徒刑19年,并没收个人财产人民币12万元。张海涛 现在关押在新疆沙雅监狱,这个监狱地处偏远,位于塔卡拉马干沙漠腹地,非常荒凉,著名维权律师高志晟先生曾关押在此。
Ladies and Gentlemen,
My name is Aijie Li. Haitao Zhang is my husband and was held in custody because of the 69 posts he posted on WeChat, a Chinese social media, and 205 posts on Twitter. He was sentenced to 19 years for two alleged crimes. One is inciting subversion of state power due to his criticism of Chinese Communism Party, 15 years; the other is spying and illegally providing state intelligence to entities outside of China because of 13 pictures with captions he took about the police patrol in Ürümqi, Xinjiang Province and sharing with foreign media the information regarding stability maintenance he collected publicly, 5 years. Additionally, his personal possession, 120,000 (approximately US$2,000), was confiscated. At present Zhang is detained in Shaya prison, Xinjiang, located in Taklamakan Desert, remote and isolated. Gao Zhisheng, the well-known human rights lawyer, had been detained there before.
On June 26, 2015 Zhang was arrested when he was visiting customers. Seven plainclothes policemen searched our home in Ürümqi without warrant and confiscated all bank cards, cell phones and computers, only 800 yuan (approximately US$130) left. I was three month pregnant and was forcibly taken to Zhongya Nan Lu police station for interrogation although I was starving and feeling nauseous. I was not released until 1 am. Later on policemen searched our home again without warrant and did not give us the inventory of confiscated items before leaving.
On January 11, 2016 the court of first instance was opened and I saw Haitao for the first time after his arrest. Haitao smiled and waved at us with handcuffs on. He looked thinner than before but looked good physically and mentally. We were not allowed to speak to each other despite being present in the same room. The trial process looked formal and filled with heated debates. On January 18 I picked up the verdict of first instance, shocked, outraged, and desperate. I cried, plopping the verdict on the table, “Didn’t he just post a few lines online? Does he deserve the heavy sentence? Are you conscientious? What about my son and me? How blatantly shameless you all are!” People in the court astonishingly stared at me. Wang Chao, a judge, walked me to the door, saying, “You can appeal. You can appeal.” The conviction of Zhang Haitao dramatically changed from inciting ethnic hatred and discrimination to picking quarrels and provoking troubles, and ended up spying and illegally providing state intelligence to entities outside of China. What a roller coaster! Later we appealed and the second instance was postponed three times. On November 28, 2016 the court session was opened in Xinjiang Supreme Court with a few dozens of bailiffs standing outside. The session was short, just 30 min, during which neither Liu Zhengqing, the lawyer, nor Zhang Haitao got the opportunity to speak. Finally, Feng Xiangmin, the judge, declared, “Reject the appeal; affirm the original verdict.”
Afterwards I took my son to my hometown in Henan province and stayed at the place of Haitao’s older sister. It took us a long time to find out which prison Haitao was in because detention center and court kicked the ball back and forth and were reluctant to release any information. I even asked netizen to help me locate where my husband was and finally received the notice that Haitao was sent to Shaya prison, Xinjiang on December 2, 2016. It is never easy to visit him, however. Shaya prison prohibited the family from visiting him with various reasons and excuses. Up to date, I just saw Zhang Haitao twice since he was in jail. Without the help of international mass media wouldn’t this happen. Each visit takes about half a month because of the distance between Henan province and Xinjiang province. Other than toil and weariness the cost each time was high. Thanks to loving friends’ financial support we were able to see him. I requested many times based on the law that Zhang Haitao should be transferred to the prison where he got registered, but it was rejected.
I did not speak up and safeguard my husband’s right until the verdict of first instance was available. Initially I was silent in the hope that it would be good to Zhang Haitao if I did not spread the affair. Unfortunately, it did not go as I expected. It was hard for me, a pregnant woman, to live alone in Xinjiang. Officers working for the neighborhood and policemen often stopped by my place and even checked my diaries. Apparently their real purpose was not to check on me although they encouraged me to let them know my needs. When I had a toughest time, they just gave me ten eggs. Officers of the neighborhood, policemen and officers from Domestic Security Protection Bureau coerced and threatened me to go back to Henan province. 20 days before the due date, Dean Dai of the neighborhood with a few people asked me to take a c section several times. On the fifth day of the child’s birth I was released from hospital. The moment I got home local policemen came by with guns, asking for my house deed. They put me under surveillance and monitored my cell phone. Chen Jinxue, lawyer, informed me of the torture and maltreatment Zhang Haitao went through in jail. During the interview conducted by VOA they knocked my door relentlessly and menaced me. The phone call was disrupted so that the interview could not continue. Zhang Haitao had a severe stomachache, so I went to the detention center asking for the report, but Prosecutor Cao took my phone and deleted all photos. After visiting him twice, I publicized the unlawful things occurring in prison. For instance, he was not allowed to meet with lawyers, forced to study, prohibited from reading Bible and speaking religious language, and even the pictures of my son were forbidden to bring in. When I visited him for the second time, Zhang Haitao was in solitary confinement, had no access to TV and not even let out, and his appeal should be approved by the prison. I continue speaking up online and safeguarding my husband’s right. Consequently policemen intimidated me while I got back home from the second visit. Regardless of the advice from my family and threats I still fight for my husband with my son. When I returned home on October 9, 2017, however, my brothers and sister forced me to divorce Zhang Haitao and marry another man because of the threats and pressure. I firmly said no to their suggestion, and then my big brother and sister beat me violently. Policemen came to our place twice that day and I knew that my beloved brothers and sister would be in trouble if they did not hit me.
I am grateful to God that the news about the domestic violence on me and my son drew a lot of attention, at home and abroad. Pastor Fu Xiqiu helped us out. With assistance of Pastor Fu, ChinaAid, President Trump, his administration and numerous anonymous friends, my son and I fled to the United States, where constitution, freedom and democracy are observed. I would like to say thank you to you all.
After my second visit on Haitao on July 27, 2017, Shaya prison has endeavored to stop us from visiting him. Haitao’s older sister called Shaya prison many times since I came to US, but nobody answered the phone or she was told to visit him on the third day. Nevertheless, it is impossible for my family to arrive there within three days. Haitao looked good physically and mentally when I visited him. He even told me, “I will never give up.” The last mail we received from Zhang Haitao dated back to August 8, 2017. The letters we wrote to him were returned to us, and the alleged reasons were either Zhang Haitao rejected it or received not found. Given these facts, we are very concerned about Zhang Haitao’s situation in prison, particularly we have not been allowed to visit him for 8 months.
2010年因为个张海涛个人的一次司法侵权,被以“诈骗罪” 关押一个月后,无罪无任何说法释放。张海涛开始关注中国的社会和民生,他提出了对中国政府的批评意见,为弱势群体维权、发声呐喊,尽管遭受了多少刑讯逼供、酷刑虐待,以及面临19年的炼狱之苦,但他始终不认罪,一如既往坚持自己的信念:为民主、自由、人权抗争,正如他信中所说:“这些年来,为民主、自由、人权呐喊和工作、家庭一样,都是我生活中不可缺少的重要内容。张海涛只是行使了宪法赋予一个公民的言论自由权,他何罪之有?我和他第三次见面,是在判刑入狱前,我们在看守所短短20分钟的会面,我们隔着玻璃,两手相印,海涛深情地对我说:”老婆,等我出来后,我们仍过普通人的生活。“我禁不住心酸泪流,一个人对生命的渴望,对幸福生活的追求,已成奢望。我们的儿子小曼德拉从未见过爸爸,一岁多时,便会对着爸爸的照片亲个不停,看到别的孩子依偎在爸爸的怀抱喊爸爸,他也会投入这个叔叔的怀抱,喊爸爸,尽管不是自己的爸爸。有一次,小曼德拉站在门口,突然对着外面大声呼喊:“爸爸在哪里?”,令我心碎泪流。
In 2010 Zhang Haitao was detained for a month over fraud because of his tort and then acquitted of charge. Zhang Haitao started being concerned about Chinese society and people’s livelihood since then. He criticized Chinese government, safeguarded the rights of the weak and spoke up. Although he was tortured, maltreated and sentenced to 19 years, he will never confess the crimes. Rather, he will hold his belief dear: fight for democracy, freedom, and human rights, as he said in his letter, “It is indispensable for me to fight for democracy, freedom and human right, which to me is as important as family and job.” Zhang Haitao just practiced the right of speech freedom granted by Constitution and does not deserve the sentence. I visited him for the third time before he was put in jail. In the 20 min meeting at the detention center, Haitao said to me with deep feeling while our hands were on the window separating us, “Honey, we will live like the average people when I am released.” I can’t help bursting into tears since the desire for life and pursuit of happiness become an unreachable goal. Little Mandela, our son, has never seen his dad. When he was one year old, he often kissed his dad’s photo. Seeing other kids snuggling their dad, he would cuddle that uncle and call him dad in spite of the fact that that man is not his dad. Once little Mandela shouted at the door, “Where is dad?”, which is heartbroken to me.
The case as such is numerous in China. Currently the case of Wang Quanzhang catches many people’s eye. The human rights lawyer has vanished for 1000 days. Lawyers are not allowed to see him and he has not been sentenced, on trial, or released. Mr. Gao Zhisheng disappearing for 8 months recently, and Mr. Huang Xiaomin I know in person safeguarding people’s rights and speaking out for Zhang Haitao and other prisoners of conscience, have been arrested without any reasons. The list is not exhaustive…
I call international attention to the human rights in China and Zhang Haitao, my husband, urging Chinese government to release Zhang Haitao and all prisoners of conscience.
I will make every effort to help my husband. I will commission a lawyer, submitting a series of lawful requests including visiting him, transferring him to Henan prison, appealing, accessing TV, letting out, and sending and receiving mail, although I know that ruling the country by law is not implemented well in China. We will gain our right only when we fight ceaselessly. Meanwhile, it is the collective effort that can realize the goal, so I hope international society, American congress and Trump administration will support us and help Zhang Haitao be freed and reunited with family.
Thank you!