锡安教会会友被调查 教会力保信徒权益









Zion Church Congregants under Investigation, Church Safeguards Their Rights

(Beijing, April 25, 2018) Suppression has escalated since Zion Church in Beijing was forced to install surveillance cameras inside and out by government on April 16. This has been anticipated. In the past week congregants of the church have been called and spied by police, civil servants and MSS, who questioned their relationship with Zion Church and investigated their housing situations, ID, occupation and details about their families. Some of the congregants mentioned above felt threatened to a degree.

Confronting the harassment, Zion Church sent a brief announcement to congregants on April 24 including some law rules and regulations in order to reduce their stress.

Zion Church thinks that Beijing police has violated citizens’ right of freedom of religion granted by Constitution and encourages congregants to calm down and not panic when encountering harassment. Meanwhile, the church points out that congregants need be equipped with basic law knowledge including who can investigate them, why and by what rules and regulation, so that they know they have the right to decline or cooperate with investigators, ask them to show official documents and keep the receipt issued by police.

Item 36 in Constitution of the People’s Republic of China was quoted in the announcement by the church: “Citizen have the right of freedom of religion.”Zion Church will take every reasonable and lawful means to safeguard congregants’rights and support them per Bible, Constitution and congregants’ safety and security.

Zion Church motivated congregants in the announcement, “May God help us be strong and courageous, may God grant us strength and faith, so we are bold to testify the gospel (Philippians 1:7; Acts 26: 1-29), and love, pray and care for each other (Hebrews 10:24).

Beijing Zion Church, founded by Pastor Jin Mingri and others in 2007, has been one of urban house churches developing rapidly in Beijing. It has services of multiple languages and congregants number more than 1,000. Zion Church plus Shouwang Church, Revival Church and Gospel Church is representative of hundreds of city house churches in Beijing. It, as an evangelical church, targets the middle class in the city by employing public strategies. Pastor Jin Mingri is one of pastors advocating for the publicity of city house churches.

According to observation and analysis, Beijing authorities have harassed Zion Church congregants beyond what they can stand and severely repressed the church, which implies that government’s goal is to sabotage city house churches.