






我,潘永光,於2022831日持合法登陸簽證進入泰國,並向曼谷的聯合國難民署提出難民申請。我和我擔任牧師的深圳聖道教會的其他成員,由泰國曼谷庇護保護中心的律師Alex Sonsev代理。


基於上述明顯的威脅和未說明的危險:我有可能被中共特工秘密綁架並被送回中國大陸。我也有可能被泰國移民局逮捕,被非法押送到中國大陸,並像其他許多主張宗教自由和人權原則的人一樣,"失蹤 "了。





姓名 潘永光                  

日期 20221025




Official Statement of Faith and Intent



Date: October 25, 2022


I, Yongguang Pan entered Thailand on August 31, 2022, on a legal landing visa and filed a refugee claim with the UNHCR in Bangkok.  I, along with the rest of the members of the Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church of which I am the pastor, are represented by Alex Sonsev, a lawyer from the Center for Asylum Protection in Bangkok, Thailand.

I was personally threatened and harassed since submitting my refugee claim in Thailand.  My relatives still residing in China have been coerced by the PRC government to call me and attempt to force me to return to China.  During a September 5, 2022, interview with the Associated Press in Bangkok, interviews with myself and members of our church had to be stopped when operatives from China entered the venue where the interviews were taking place.  When I submitted my asylum application to the UNHCR Bangkok office, I was followed by suspicious persons. I have been filmed in front of my current residence and three times a pastor helping me has received phone calls from a Thailand travel agent and Thailand immigration inquiring of my present whereabouts and insisting that I present myself to the local Thai immigration authorities.

Based on the above apparent threats and the unspecified dangers: the possibility exists that I may be secretly kidnapped by Chinese communist agents and returned to mainland China.  The possibility also exists that I may be arrested by Thai immigration authorities, be illegally escorted to mainland China, and “go disappeared” as have many others who stood for the same principles of religious freedom and human rights that I also espouse.

I declare I will not return to mainland China voluntarily; I will not leave my family and church members without a pastor. I will not leave the Christian Church, and I will not betray my faith. I firmly believe that my life belongs to Jesus Christ, and I will not choose to commit suicide, no matter what the circumstances. 

If I lose my freedom, anything I do or say is not of my own volition, and is contrary to my declaration, and has no legal effect.

I solemnly swear and attest that the above is true and legally valid.


Name:Yongguang Pan                  

Date: October 25, 2022

